Perspective Blog

The Pimmit Hills Citizens' Association (PHCA)


1976: Managed Home for Adults Proposed In Pimmit Hills

Does the following sound familiar? You may think you’re “having déjà vu all over again.” Who says history doesn't repeat itself?

The PHCA President wrote in a Pimmit Hills Dispatch urging residents to come to the next PHCA meeting to learn the details about a proposed managed home for adults in Pimmit Hills. Is it 2012 or 1976?

In the October 1976 Pimmit Hills Dispatch, the PHCA President wrote:

“….I urge that residents attend the October [1976] meeting to learn the details about the proposed “Managed Home for Adults,” which will be used primarily for people being released from mental institutions....”

Here was the article in the October 1976 issue of the Dispatch:

Close off Lisle Avenue at Route 7?

With the dramatic changes going into effect on Route 7 near the intersections of Lisle Avenue/Magarity Road and the Beltway, it is interesting to find that in the March 1973 issue of the Pimmit Hills Dispatch, it was announced that the Pimmit Hills Citizens Association received a letter from the Virginia Department of Highways (now VDOT) which said that VDOT proposed to eliminate (close off) the Route 7/Lisle Avenue intersection.

In October 1973, PHCA representatives met with VDOT officials in Richmond regarding this issue. VDOT told them “this intersection is an extremely difficult problem to solve.” They expected to take several more weeks as they develop their plans, which, they said, would be submitted to Fairfax County and Pimmit Hills for review.

1973: Bizarre trail proposed through Pimmit Hills

Back in 1973, there was a bizarre plan by Fairfax County called the “Dranesville Trails Plan” that apparently was going to install a hiking and biking asphalt trail through Pimmit Hills. Picture this: the proposed trail would cross Magarity Road at Anderson Road, and down Anderson Road to Lisle Avenue, then West on Lisle Avenue to Route 7. Very odd and begs another question: why?

The November 1973 Dispatch wasn’t in favor of this:

A Chrysler dealership instead of Whole Foods, Jasons Deli and Starbucks

What could have been and luckily wasn't. From the June 1974 Pimmit Hills Dispatch:


Chrysler Realty Corp. (Falls Church Chrysler) was unsuccessful in their attempt to locate a new and used car dealership (sales & service) at 7507 Leesburg Pike opposite the Pimmit Hills Shopping Center [NOTE: this shopping is center, where Trader Joes, Ledos, etc are now, is now called Tysons Station]. Their application for the special use permit was denied with a unanimous vote of the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals on Wednesday, May 8, 1974.

1973: Growth and Traffic Are Out of Control

Nearly 40 years ago, the Dranesville District Supervisor addressed the February 1973 Pimmit Hills Citizens Association meeting. His talk could be given today:

“Supervisor Phillips pointed out that the greatest problem in Fairfax County today is uncontrolled growth and development. He felt that since we do not have the legal means to stop all growth, a no-growth policy which is advocated by some groups in the county is unrealistic, and perhaps even unwise.

He stated, however, that the control of growth and development is essential to the welfare of Fairfax County and that the County Board should strive to determine both the rate and the areas where growth should be permitted. Mr. Phillips feels that transportation problems are also of prime importance.”

1973: Traffic Lights Approved for Pimmit Drive/Rt 7 Intersection

Post-script to this previous post -- 1966: VDOT Says No to Traffic Lights at Route 7 and Pimmit Drive Intersection
In the May 1973 Pimmit Hills Dispatch, it was announced that VDOT had finally approved installing a traffic light at the intersection of Route 7 and Pimmit Drive after over ten years of PHCA requesting them:

On March 27 [1973], the Virginia Department of Highways in Richmond APPROVED the installation of a traffic signal at Pimmit Drive and Route 7. After several years of begging and pleading for this traffic signal, it almost seems appropriate to plan for ribbon cutting celebration. Please note that it will take several more months yet before the light is actually installed.”

Pimmit Hills

Pimmit Hills, founded in 1950, is located next to the Tysons Corner area in Virginia and is one of the largest communities in Fairfax County with over 1,640 homes.

Picture of the Pimmit Hills Entry Sign

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